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December 2009

Great Snipe Shot by Barbara Dilger

  Barbara Dilger writes:  "It was such a pretty day at the Celery Farm Sunday, cold but worth the walk in the new snow.  At the No-name Culvert, I was taking a shot of a little sparrow when I noticed the Wilson's Snipe right in front of me.   I leaned in to take the photo and slipped right down into the snow, but it was worth it." (Thanks, Barbara!)  

'101 Birds of Belize': Order Now

101Birds    If you are planning to go Central America -- or just love learning about birds -- I highly recommend this book by noted Belize naturalist (and good friend) Carolyn Miller.

    The book, published by the Belize Audubon Society, is now available in the United States, and the book sells for between $15 and $20.  The descriptions of the birds ring true, and the illustrations are top-notch.

    I am ordering multiple copies of the book to save mailing costs. If you are interested, e-mail me

   When I go to Belize in February with the Stiles Thomas Adventure Tours group, we are planning to bring a few of these books for children we know there.

    Here's a link for more information about this invaluable book.



Masked Intruder


    This shot was taken through my window around 2:30 today -- Mr. Raccoon was snooping around the edge of the Celery Farm.

   I was not happy to see a raccoon wandering around during the day, but he didn't look too wacky.  Just something to be aware of.

   He is the main reason I have to clamp down my garbage can lid.