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November 2009

Fyke Trip to the Meadowlands: Nov. 28


                                                                                                     Photo courtesy of

  Fyke is sponsoring a free "Morning at the Meadowlands" on Saturday, Nov. 28.

   Meet at 9 a.m. at the back parking lot at DeKorte Park Headquarters.

   "We expect to see waterfowl, gulls and raptors. Wear warm clothing. Don't forget binoculars and scopes. We should be done by lunch." Leader: Ivan Kossak

   Directions to DeKorte are here (just plug in your starting address).



IMG_0574   My wife and I were talking near Blue Heron Pond on Saturday when a Redtail flew in and landed on a nearby branch.

  He seemed not to care about our presence, and I was able to get within 20 yards to take a few photos.

   I liked the way his reddish tail feathers matched the autumn leaves nearby.

   When we left the pond area several minutes later, he was still perched on the same branch. 

   More on Redtails here.

Monday Morning Mystery Revealed in Amazing Fashion


   Yesterday, the incredibly annoying Seymour Drakes and I asked you to find and identify the raptor in the photo.

   If you click "Continue reading ..." below, you will see increasing closer photos of the raptor until an ID should be possible. It is the same photo in all frames.

  Tomorrow, I will post some nice shots of the same raptor.

Continue reading "Monday Morning Mystery Revealed in Amazing Fashion" »



    Sunday was a great day for duck at the CF -- many Gadwall, Wood Ducks, Green-winged Teal, Hooded Mergansers, Mallards and Ring-necked Ducks, plus at least one Black Duck and a solitary female Shoveler (above). (That's eight species for those counting at home.)

   Rob Fanning reports a Bufflehead today.