The Rob Fanning Report: 083109
Hour on the Tower: Time Change

The Mystery Revealed -- Almost


     To learn the answer to yesterday's Monday Morning Mystery, send a $5 donation (or more if you like) to the Lillian and Stiles Thomas Scholarship Fund. 

   Make checks payable to the Fyke Nature Association, with  a note in the memo section, “Scholarship Fund.”  Please send the donations to Box 141, Ramsey, NJ 07446. 

  This semi-scam was Seymour Drakes' idea. I apologize on his behalf. I told him this was a bad way to start a new month, but he would not listen. He insists it is for a worthy cause.

   If you are too cheap (or too impatient) to send a donation, click "Continue reading ..." for the answer.   :- )

  The answer is: This is the rain barrel in the Marsh Warden's yard. The nylon rope was added to provide a lifeline for chipmunks who fall in and cannot otherwise climb out.
