The Rob Fanning Report: 083109
August 31, 2009
The cold-front brought in some migrants today. I saw 6 warblers, incl.
nice looks at an Ovenbird. Fred saw Blue-winged and BT Green to make 8
I also saw a probable Parula but looks were too brief.
Fred also saw an very early RC Kinglet--the first August record for the CF!
Click "Continue reading..." for Rob's full report.
Location: The Celery Farm
Observation date: 8/31/09
Notes: also saw a probable Parula
Number of species: 42
6:30 to 8:30 a.m.
Canada Goose X
Mute Swan 2
Wood Duck X
Mallard X
Double-crested Cormorant 1
Great Blue Heron X
Great Egret 3
Green Heron 1
Accipiter sp. 1
Mourning Dove X
Chimney Swift X
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 5+
Belted Kingfisher 1+
Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted) X
Alder/Willow Flycatcher (Traill's) 1
Least Flycatcher 1
Empidonax sp. 1
Eastern Kingbird 1
Warbling Vireo 1
Red-eyed Vireo 1
Blue Jay X
American Crow X
Tufted Titmouse X
White-breasted Nuthatch X H
House Wren 1
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1
American Robin X
Gray Catbird X
Northern Mockingbird 1
Cedar Waxwing 20+
Yellow Warbler 1
Magnolia Warbler 1
Prairie Warbler 1
American Redstart 2
Ovenbird 1
Common Yellowthroat 5
Northern Cardinal X
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 1
Bobolink X H
Red-winged Blackbird X
Common Grackle X
American Goldfinch X