Monday Morning Mystery 042709
Hour on the Tower 042609

Rob Fanning Report 042709

Rob sez:
 A very early BLACKPOLL was hanging out at the Point/Warden's watch this morning. My first April record. My previous early date for the CF was 5/1 (twice) I later heard another near the B-fly garden (possibly 2 more) It was pretty bizarre listening to a Blackpoll and Nashville singing while a Siskin flew overhead!
 Another new early arrival was a singing CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLER right at the Greenway entrance. My previous early CF date was 4/30.

Fred and Charley "Cuckoo" West heard a WOOD THRUSH. This is the 2nd earlist arrival date for the CF.

9 Warbler species in all--including BLUE-WINGED and my first NASHVILLE of the year. Warbling Vireos and Yellow Warblers have invaded and taken over the farm. A great morning to be out.
