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May 2008

ROB FANNING: 0528 Bird Report


The mourning warbler continued at the Celery Farm Wednesday morning. 

    A lot of black on the chest on this bird. Simply gorgeous.

    Pretty quiet otherwise as far as migrants, but a Spotted Sandpiper, female Hummingbird, and a Northern Waterthrush heard singing were nice.

POSSUM: Stuck in traffic


Saw this guy on the way to work today.

  He was stuck on a divider on Route 17 in East Rutherford.

  I called the police. They were already aware of the situation.

  In case you're wondering: I took the photo while stopped at a traffic light.

ROB FANNING: Bird Report 05/27

    Had some very nice looks at a singing male MOURNING WARBLER at the CF this morning. Location: main trail (both sides) past Pirie Platform but before the heavily wooded section (near the edge of BH Pond which is where I first heard it).
  In the same area there was a LINCOLN'S SPARROW, my first at CF this year. Always a treat to see one here in the spring.

  Also Heard 2 singing ALDER FLYCATCHERS. One in the same area, the other in the area before the butterfly garden.

   It was singing in a heavily leafed tree along the main path for a minute--before flying back into the field toward Greenway. This one I got a few distant looks at.

Continue reading "ROB FANNING: Bird Report 05/27" »

OWL: The Family Screech, Video 1

    Welcome to the Ace family saga, 2008. Over the next several days, I will be posting videos of the two screech owls and their five owlets.

  Overall, I recorded more than 120 hours of the Ace family. The videos are the highlight reels.

   This video begins with the five eggs about to hatch.

   Questions? Comments?

   E-mail me at [email protected] .