Celery Farm Halloween sightings
October 31, 2007
Ace birder Rob Fanning passed along the following list of species seen this morning (Halloween) at the Celery Farm Natural Area:
-FOX SPARROW--No Name Culvert
-White-throats--singing; Swamps; Songs
-Black Cat
-Palm Warbler--several
-C. Yellowthroat--female
-RC Kinglet--several
-The Great Pumpkin
-VA. RAIL--flushed/called NN Culvert
-WILSON'S SNIPE--flushed--NN Culvert
-PURPLE FINCH--6+ incl. 2 adult males
-Bufflehead--2 females
-Ghouls (as well as Gulls)
-Shovelers; GW Teal; Coot
Some say that Rob is so good it's downright scary...